Adventure Writing Resources

A major aim of the Liminal Horror community is to support new writer/creators/facilitators in making things for Liminal Horror. We’ve collected resources specific to writing for Liminal Horror. A great place to start is to look at what others have been making. A few places to do that is:

Adapting A Mystery: Liminal Horror Writing Seminar

Josh Domanski and Goblin Archives did a horror writing seminar on The Weekly Scroll. This was aimed at providing advice on how to adapt a work into an adventure for Liminal Horror. In it’s truest essence, the core tenets presented can be generalized to writing any type of adventure (adaptation or original concepts) into modern horror/Liminal Horror.

Conversion Guide

This excerpt from the Deluxe Edition can be found here Liminal Horror is not the only investigative horror RPG out there and there are many other settings and scenarios that would be right at home in your campaigns. This excerpt from the Deluxe Edition discusses various ways to take the pieces of those games and adapt them to be better suited for this system. Many of your favorite novels, comics, movies, and video games can be harvested for their parts or lifted wholesale with a fresh coat of paint.

The conversion notes provide general advice and system specific advice for

  • Mark of the Odd
  • B/X
  • Call of Cthluhlu
  • Delta Green
  • Monster of the Week
  • Mothership 1e
  • Triangle Agency

Mystery Framework

In the original SRD there was a Mystery Framework and accompanying example included. These can be found in the Mystery Framework page: There is a quick google doc template to aid in this as well.

Empty Rooms: Architecture and HORROR

Empty Rooms: Architecture and Horror - In this panel, Stella Joy (Rimbound Transmissions for Mothership), Logan Dean (The Company), Sean McCoy (Mothership), and Goblin Archives (Liminal Horror) discuss how architecture can play a pivotal part in horror (especially in ttrpgs).

Writing & Designing Non-Cthulhu Horror

A seminar given at Virtual Horror Con 2022 by Logan Dean (He/Him), Josh Domanski (He/They), Goblin Archives, Evlyn Moreau (She/Her), Noora (She/Her). This discussion was around how to create systems and adventures that are seek to break free of the shadow of the Cthulhu Mythos. It also offers a behind-the-scenes look at the indie horror scene, from the conception of ideas and their execution through to published projects.

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Liminal Horror is developed by Gobin Archives, Josh Domanski, and Zach Hazard Vaupen