
Different formats support different levels of accessability. when thinking about how one presents their work there are three major modes Web / EPUB / Print. Often when games are published the focus is only on print/pdf format. This is largely due to the fact that pdf is what is used to submit things for print. When thinking about accessiblity, understanding the scaffolds (and constraints) of the format is super important.

  • GIVING A DAMN ABOUT ACCESSIBILITY by Sheri Byrne-Haber is “a candid and practical handbook for designers.” Its goal is to make sure that digital accessibility provides equal access to information, functionality and experience on digital platforms.
  • HTML and ePub ttrpg creation by James Chip is a quick guide will introduce you to creating content for your ttrpg to publish in both html and ePub formats,using pandoc to create both outputs from a single file.
  • EPUBs for TTRPG Blog/How-to by Root Devil

Accessibility & Design Intention

One of the big things I wanted when writing Liminal Horror was to push mystelf to find ways to support people’s ability to access information. This largely arose from my background in teaching, and how it is important to provide multiple access points and opportunities for people to engage in the work.

  • Accessibility in Gaming Resource Guide By Jennifer Kretchmer a guide full of resources that helps creators learn and implement accessiblity into their work. Sections include:
    • Essential Learning and Tools
    • Panel Discussions
    • Gaming Resources
    • Table and Game Accessibility Tools
    • Characters, Mechanics, and Worldbuilding
    • Tropes
    • Art and Design
    • Technology Tools
    • Events
    • Language
    • Supporting Disabled People
    • Further Learning
  • VAST VAST is a series of short articles aiming to spread awareness about visual impairments and their associated access requirements, followed by a series of guides that will help you to use accessibility tools in Adobe programs.
  • Tips for adding interactivity to your digital publications
  • Making Your Game Accessible Is Easy by Nate Lee
  • How to make PDFs accessible by Daniel Sell is a short overview about why one should consider integrating additional formats into their repertoire.
  • Colour Contrast Analyzer is a tool that allows one to easily determine the contrast ration of your work and optimize it to include text and visual elements that are accessible for individuals with vision disabilities like color-blindness and low-vision impairments.


There are a lot of benefits to creating epub versions of games. Text only games are able to be used with screen readers, and have boosted accessibility functions (fonts, font sizes, margins).

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Liminal Horror is developed by Gobin Archives, Josh Domanski, and Zach Hazard Vaupen