While originally written by Goblin Archives, the Liminal Horror dev team has grown.
Goblin Archives (co-writer) Ways to contact and follow what is happening with Liminal Horror:
itch: https://goblinarchives.itch.io/
Twitter: @goblin_archives
Newsletter: https://goblinarchives.substack.com/
Josh Domanski (co-writer and designer)
itch: https://unenthuser.itch.io/
Twitter: @Unenthuser
Zach Hazard Vaupen (art director)
Website: https://emo-sludge.com/
itch: https://emosludge.itch.io/
Twitter: @zachhazard
Newsletter: https://buttondown.email/emosludge
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emosludge
Jarrett Crader/Space Penguin Ink (publish and editor)
Website: https://spacepenguin.ink/