One of the exciting things about Liminal Horror is that we’ve maintained compatibility between all it’s releases. This means that anything you buy for Liminal Horror stays relevant. Not only that, but we want to preserve access to the rules through this website.

Below are are few options for rules text that you can use in your game. Remember, all are compatible with each other. Here is a cheat sheet for what is contained here:

  • Deluxe Edition Rules Reference (coming soon): The core rules rewrites (which don’t change the mechanics but utilize the increased space to explain) from Chapter 1: Investigators Guide will be included here on the website. We will also be including some procedures from other parts of the text. It is worth noting that the entire book will not be posted here, but what is needed to run and reference will be.
  • Investigators Edition: The entire text of the Investigators Edition (2023) is included here for search and reference. This release included rewrites for clarity, edits, as well as updated layout updates and some optional supplements. In terms of content it added the Wounds system and omitted the original Magic system. As of 3/20/25 this is the rules text that the search bar will pull from.
  • Legacy Edition: The original iteration of Liminal Horror. Still fully compatible with Investigators and Deluxe Edition.
  • SRD: System Reference Document is a tool used by designers for referencing what rules and text can be used by others in their design work. The current iteration of the SRD is the text of Liminal Horror Investigators. One of the stretch goals will be to update the SRD with new bits and bobs from the Deluxe Edition as well as adding guidance. Since Investigators is fully compatible with all version, it will remain in use regardless of any updates.

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Liminal Horror is developed by Gobin Archives, Josh Domanski, and Zach Hazard Vaupen